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Calvary Baptist Church

Image by Tim Wildsmith


American Baptist Churches has a long history of mission work, dating back to 1812, when Adoniram and Ann Judson were commissioned for missionary work in India.  Now, International Ministries works worldwide to provide better living conditions to those in need and to spread the Word of God.


"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Sue Hegarty

Costa Rica

Sue Hegarty serves in Costa Rica, with the Baptist Federation and with the Pastoral Care for Women ministry. She teaches seminary courses for training pastors with the Costa Rican Baptist Federation in San José, as well as serving as liaison with American Baptist mission teams.


Sue also teaches in the leadership development program for the inter-denominational ministry of Pastoral Care for Women.  Although the office is in San José, courses are given in locations all around the country.  Sue assists this ministry as they update their course contents as well as their publications

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Wayne & Katherine Niles


Wayne and Katherine are helping Congolese people through a development project to grow more food. Among other activities, the project distributes new seeds, disease-resistant varieties of crops, and offers women's groups small loans to purchase machines for hulling, milling, and producing oil. Katherine is working with a group of Congolese Christian professionals in training community leaders, urban and rural, to be promoters of health in their communities.

Our Missionaries

Annual Offerings

America For Christ Offering

Calvary impacts local and national missions in the United States through the America for Christ Offering. Collected every Spring, this offering funds mission projects through the United States, such as the Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity in Los Angeles and the Heart Reach Neighborhood Ministries in Campbell, Ohio.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Calvary impacts disaster relief through our support of the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Collected during the Summer, the One Great Hour of Sharing funds disaster relief efforts, developmental projects, and refugee ministries both in the United States and abroad.

World Mission Offering

Calvary impacts the world with our support of the World Mission Offering. Collected during the Fall, congregations come together for a time of awareness, advocacy, and action for global mission. Churches across the country celebrate and support the ministries that God is using to transform the world.

Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering

Calvary impacts the lives of retired ministers and missionaries through our support of the Retired Ministers and Missionaries fund. Collected during the Winter, this fund supports ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses who have devoted 15 years or more to ABCUSA.

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